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USA San Francisco

Congratulations from Gaby von Borstel and Peter Eickmeyer
Happy Birthday!

Remarque-able cloud formation over Golden Gate Bridge © © Peter Eickmeyer Remarque-able cloud formation over Golden Gate Bridge © Peter Eickmeyer


Dear Goethe-Institute-Team San Francisco,

We were very happy to present an exhibition on our graphic novel "All quiet on the western front" at the Goethe-Institut San Francisco in 2014. Our new project also refers to a novel by Erich Maria Remarque titled "Flotsam", about migration during the Nazis in the 40s in Europe. We draw the arc to the story of the current refugee crisis in the Mediterranean, and we will share our impressions of our three-week drive on a rescue vessel.

We often think of our time in San Francisco and wish the whole team a lot of new great ideas for the next 50 years,

Gaby and Peter

The graphic novel exhibition “No Escape” by Peter Eickmeyer and texts by Gaby von Borstel was shown at the Goethe-Institut in August 2014. “No Escape” featured a selection of paintings from Peter Eickmeyer's adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque’s classic book “All Quiet on the Western Front”. The event was part of the event series on “100 Years after WWI”.