
Our library & public space welcomes anyone who wants to read, to listen to music, to watch films, to be inspired or to meet other people.

GINY Library © Goethe-Institut New York

Book Recommendations

New Books

From our most recent acquisitions, we recommend the following titles. In our online catalog you'll find summaries and links to reviews.

Our thematic lists

Interested in learning more about our collection? We've put together lists on a variety of subjects.

Freely accessible scientific online publications Open Access Search

With our open access search, you have access to about 3 million freely accessible scientific online publications in various languages (mainly German and English, but also in other languages).

Borrow books and media


Helen & Kurt Wolff Translator's Prize

The annual Helen & Kurt Wolff Translator's Prize honors an outstanding literary translation from German into English published in the USA/Canada the previous year. The translator of the winning translation receives $5,000 and a trip to the Frankfurter Buchmesse.

HKWolff updated

Translation Grant Program

The Goethe-Institut’s translation grant program supports non-German publishers in publishing German-language literature, with the aim of making works accessible to non-German speaking readers.

Goethe-Institut Photo: Loredana La Rocca

Recently funded translations

This selection of English-language titles received support from our grant program and were recently published in the US.

Translation Teaser

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Online Film Series
City, Region, River

The Stadt, Land, Fluss (City, Region, River) film series takes us through the diversity of German cities, villages and landscapes with a selection of twelve feature and documentary films.

The films focus on regions and locales far from well-known big cities and invite viewers to take a multi-layered look at the realities of life in Germany.

Stadt, Land, Fluss

A Transatlantic Podcast
The Big Ponder

This transatlantic podcast explores abstract concepts and phenomena through personal radio essays. Every other week, one of our producers transforms a broad topic into a captivating story told from a U.S.-German perspective.

The Big Ponder Visual Illustration: © Nicole Hamam

Current Music from Germany

Rock, pop, hiphop, electro: at the beginning of every month we shine our search beacon into the nation’s studios and clubs from Kiel up north to Weilheim way down south. Together with Zündfunk, Bavarian Radio’s scene magazine, we showcase the latest music by riveting off-the-charts bands.


Popcast © Goethe-Institut | Illustration: DOON 東

Podcast Series
Hannah Arendt: Between Worlds

In recent years many people have turned to the work of Hannah Arendt to try to understand what is happening in our world today. But who was Hannah Arendt? And why is she so relevant now? Over the course of 7 podcast episodes, Samantha Rose Hill talks with artists, poets, writers, scholars, musicians, and activists who think with Hannah Arendt as they explore questions of solitude, peace, privacy, freedom, love, and politics.

Hannah Arendt:  Between Worlds

Online magazines & Dossiers

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Opening Hours

Mo–Th (Service w/SelfCheck Machine) 10:00am–6:00pm

Tu, We, Th (Service w/Librarian) 1:00-5:00pm (or by appointment)


30 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003
Goethe How Sweet © Goethe-Institut New York

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