Book presentation and film: Adventures of Rico and Oskar

Rico, Oskar and the Deeper Shadows
Photo: Goethe-Institut

Three popular novels for children in Vietnamese translation. Afterwards film screening “Rico, Oskar and the Deeper Shadows”.

Goethe-Institut Hanoi

In line with the European Literture Days 2016, the Goethe-Institut presents the three popular detective fictions for children, that have been finally published in Vietnamese by Kim Dong publishing house. “Rico, Oskar and the Deeper Shadows” is the first one of the children’s book series, which has been translated with grants by the Goethe-Institut. It has been awarded i.a. with the renowned German Youth Literature Prize.   
The book series continues with “Rico, Oskar and the Heartbreak”. In their second adventure the unequal friends Rico and Oskar not only deal with criminological challenges: Hamsters with killers’ teeth, bingo balls and also love play a role. In the third volume “Rico, Oskar and the Stolen Stone”, the freindship of the two boys gets seriously tested after the discovery of the dead Fitze.  
Following the book presentation, the film „Rico, Oskar and the Deeper Shadows“ will be screened based on the bestseller of the same name, directed by Neele Vollmar:
Oskar is a highly gifted boy, who is able to recite the first 110 prime numbers, whereas Rico considers himself as rather “low gifted”, having problems to make a difference between left and right, East and West. However, this doesn’t prevent the two youngsters from becoming best friends. Rico encourages the overcautious Oscar, who is always wearing a helmet, to outgrow. In this film, the two friends are haunting the notorious kidnapper Mister 2000 across Berlin. But suddenly Oscar disappears and Rico has to brace up to find his friend. And then there are the mysterious Deeper Shadows in the backyard house…

Andreas Steinhöfel, born in 1962 in Battenberg, studied Anglistics, American Studies and Media Studies at Marburg University. He already published more than twenty books and additionally works as a scriptwriter and translator. The first book of this series was awarded with the German Youth Literature Award as “best children’s book” in 2009.
The director Neele Leana Vollmar (*1978) had worked as an assistant director in the film business before she studied film at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg in Ludwigsburg from 2000-2005. Amongst other film festivals, she got rewarded for “Rico, Oscar and the Deeper Shadows” at the Child-Media-Festival with a Golden Sparrow 2014 for the Best Script. Filmography: Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten (2014), Maria, ihm schmeckt’s nicht (2009), Friedliche Zeiten (2008), Urlaub vom Leben (2005) and others.

Genre Adventure film
Venues Germany
Year 2014
Direction Neele Vollmar
Script Andreas Bradler, Klaus Döring, Christian Lerch
Cast Anton Petzold, Juri Winkler, Karoline Herfurth, Axel Prahl
Length 96 Minutes
Language German with Vietnamese subtitles

„Der Weiße Elefant“ in the Best Film Talent category at the Filmfestival Munich for Juri Winkler and Anton Petzold; „Emo“ for the Best Performance of a Child at the Children’s Film Days in the Ruhr Area for Juri Winkler and Anton Petzold; „Gilde-Filmpreis“ by the Gilde Deutscher Filmkunsttheater for the Best Children’s Film 2014, Award by The German Film Prize 2015 in the Best Program Filling Children’s Film category.


Goethe-Institut Hanoi

56-58-60 Nguyen-Thai-Hoc-Str., Ba Dinh

Language: German and Vietnamese
Price: Free Admission

+84 4 37342251 - Ext. 35