Round Table Talk
Month of Art Practice

Month of Art Practice
© Heritage space

The biggest annual Contemporary Art Exchange project in Vietnam.

Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Participants | Philip Poppek, Việt Vũ, Mirimari Väyrynen, Nguyễn Đình Phương
Moderator | Nguyễn Anh Tuấn
Heritage Space is presently hosting the Month of Art Practice 2018, the biggest annual Contemporary Art Exchange project in Vietnam. This year’s major topic is “Visible – Invisible”. Artists participating in the "Month of Art Practice" will pursue ways to visualize their perceptions of the invisible. As René Daumal said: "The door to the invisible must be visible". They will seek the invisible from the visible, in the life and Hanoi sceneries that they feel, in themselves. They will go beyond mere outer appearance to approach unseen stories. They will seek to express the invisible through the visible means of visual art. The purpose of this "Month of Art Practice" is to let artists perceive the world with approaches that are not merely visual. If one only looks at the world with their two eyes, the world will perpetually exist in them as visible objects. The collection of the work of all participating artists will create a spectacle of the invisible hidden behind the visible objects they have created.
Goethe-Institut is happy to announce that Philip Poppek, who is fellow from the art foundation Sachsen has been invited to participate in the MAP programm.

Philip Poppek

In his artistic practice, Philip Poppek (*1987) explores questions about the structure of representation and forms of order. His artistic approach is research-based. Poppek questions what we believe to be truths and looks for unexpected connections between things and phenomena that surround us. He mainly uses photography, but also uses drawing and graphics as a means of expression.


Goethe-Institut Hanoi

56-58-60 Nguyen-Thai-Hoc-Str., Ba Dinh

Price: Free Entrance

+84 24 37342251