The inclusion of contemporary German literature in the classroom offers the opportunity to learn about current topics about life and being young in Germany while reading comprehensible and authentic new literature. Authors Paula Irmschler, Esther Becker and Joshua Groß write and talk about topics such as friendship, sexuality and identity, politics, belonging and coming-of-age in their novels, often with a local reference.
The material refers to text excerpts from the following novels: Superbusen, Paula Irmschler, Ullstein 2020
Wie die Gorillas, Esther Becker, Verbrecher Verlag 2021
Staunässe und Speed, Joshua Groß, 2022 (Onlineressource)
Entkommen, Joshua Groß, Matthes & Seitz, 2021. The novels and text can be borrowed from Goethe Institut's
virtual library Onleihe.
With glossaries and questions on the texts, vocabulary and reading comprehension can be trained and checked.