Marie-Pierre Poulin  Booktube with Kafka

Marie-Pierre Poulin
Booktuber Marie-Pierre Poulin Goethe-Institut Montréal

In her booktube video series Marie-Pierre Poulin, librarian at the Goethe-Institut Montreal, presents the timeless classics “The Metamorphosis” and “The Trial” by Franz Kafka. Enjoy!

You can choose between German, English, French or Spanish subtitles through the settings in the bottom right corner of the Youtube player.

“The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka

Achtung Buch! #7 Die Verwandlung, von Franz Kafka

“The Trial” by Franz Kafka

Bonne Lektüre #19: „Der Prozess“, von Franz Kafka
Shout-out to Christoph Dreyer and his team at Submarines Berlin for providing these terrific subtitles.

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