Fill out this form. Your registration will not be considered if the submitted informations are not valid. Title Mr. Mrs. First name Surname Date of birth Sex Please select male female diverse Potential place of residence in Germany Purpose of staying in Germany Please select Vocational training Marriage Familie reunification Employment Vocational training Marriage Familie reunification Employment Nationality Country of origin Type of ID document Please select Identity card Passport Number of the ID document Issuer of the ID document Please select DGSN Cameroun Other DGSN Cameroun Other Place of residence in Cameroon Your job German language knowledge Please select None A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 None A1 Where did you learn German? Please select At the Goethe Institut At another language School At a University Private course Self taught Miscellaneous A2 Where did you learn German? Please select At the Goethe Institut At another language School At a University Private course Self taught Miscellaneous B1 Where did you learn German? Please select At the Goethe Institut At another language School At a University Private course Self taught Miscellaneous B2 Where did you learn German? Please select At the Goethe Institut At another language School At a University Private course Self taught Miscellaneous C1 Where did you learn German? Please select At the Goethe Institut At another language School At a University Private course Self taught Miscellaneous C2 Where did you learn German? Please select At the Goethe Institut At another language School At a University Private course Self taught Miscellaneous Have you already applied for a visa or do you already have a visa? Please select Yes, I have already applied for a visa Yes, I already have a visa No, I do not have any of these documents. WhatsApp-number E-mail address Please re-enter your email address Desired sessions Thursday, 23/01/2025 Thursday, 30/01/2025 Thursday, 06/02/2025 Thursday, 13/02/2025 Thursday, 20/02/2025 Thursday, 27/02/2025 Format Offline ( Goethe-Institut Cameroon 08:00 - 11:30) Online (Zoom 16:00 - 19:30) Your question I have read the AMIF and Goethe-Institut consent form and agree to it. * required When you send us the information contained in the contact form by clicking on the button below, you declare your consent for us to use your personal data for purposes of answering your enquiry and/or contacting you. You can revoke your consent by sending an e-mail message to If you revoke your consent, your data will be erased immediately. Otherwise, your data will be erased after we have processed your enquiry or if the purpose of storing it no longer exists. Privacy Policy Send