The PASCH initiative organised a cultural day

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On Friday, May 4, Lycée de Nylon Ndogpassi in Douala organised a cultural day "Kulturtag". The Council of German Students ended the school year in a party whereby the year best results and those of other German clubs were presented to the entire school. At noon, the Principal Mr Albert Dikoume welcomed all the guests, teachers and students.
                    The youngest German language scholars including those of the final year all brought in their contributions. Written poems, rhymes, posters, dances and songs made up the programme. The "Grandma's pharmacy" project was one of the highlights of the programme. Quatrième students researched on their own medicinal plants and concocted a traditional medicine that could be tested. Consequently, some guests discovered natural medicine against typhoid fever and malaria. The graduating students set up their cultural fair in the playground where everyone was to briefly present his/her culture in the German language. A small corner for the museum was reserved to portray the history of Cameroon. A fashion and jewellery exposition helped to better understand the Cameroon cultural clothing diversity. There was equally a wide variety of Cameroon dishes such as water-fufu and eru, achu, taro, not forgetting "Kartoffelsalat", a famous German dish. Even though there were many talks in German, non-German language scholars took part in quizzes about the school, on general knowledge, concerning the Germans and won petty prizes.
                    Lycée de Nylon Ndogpassi celebrated a PASCH mini-day and expressed the joy of learning the German language with utmost pleasure.

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  • PASCH-CAMP_Diapo2 ©Goethe Institut Kamerun
