Grants for Teachers in Kribi

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BKD Teachers Camps "Shaping Learning Processes Analog and Digital"

This year we are offering four BKD teachers camps for a total of 80 teachers, which will take place in the cities of Bertoua, Dschang and Bafoussam.
The individual camps have different content focuses and are each advertised for specific regions. The respective classroom events will be followed by transfer phases to consolidate the new knowledge gained.

BKD Teachers Camp in Bertoua, July 2022

Designing learning processes analogically:

  • Interaction and cooperative learning
  • Project-based teaching for young people
Designing learning processes digitally:
  • Designing learning processes with Padlet
  • Using the Flipped Classroom wisely
The BKD teachers camp Bertoua has been advertised for the Far North, North, Adamawa, East and South regions.

BKD Teachers Camp in Bafoussam, July/ August 2022.

Designing learning processes analogically: Project-based teaching for young people
Designing learning processes digitally: Using digital tools for teaching German as a foreign language

The BKD teachers camp Bafoussam is advertised for the regions Littoral, South-West, West and Center. The invitation and registration form for the BKD teacher camp in Bafoussam can be found here:

BKD Teachers Camp in Dschang, postponed to September/ November 2022.

Designing learning processes analogically: Project-based teaching for young people
Designing learning processes digitally: Tasks digital and contextualized

The BKD teachers camp Dschang is advertised for the North-West region.

Information about the seminars of the BKD teachers camps can be found here:

BKD Teachers Camp in Bertoua, July 2022.

Designing learning processes analogically

Interaction and cooperative learning

In German language class, teachers and learners are mainly considered as the main actors in the class and their interaction in the class is very important. Interaction is understood as the totality of all social processes that take place in the class. In this context, cooperative social forms such as group work in class lead to the active participation of the learners.

In the seminar we will address the following questions:  How important is classroom interaction for German language learning?  How can teachers design their lessons so that learners are always motivated in their learning? What forms of work can help them do this?  What is the role of the teacher in an interaction-oriented classroom?

Project-based Teaching for young people
School and life merge. The potato builder wins its place in German lessons. Project-based teaching: the bridge builder, the seed of integrative didactics!

In the current context of school education in Cameroon and in the world, there is an increasingly rigorous demand to promote new knowledge, skills, competences and attitudes. The school has the task of preparing students for life. From the subject didactic point of view, there is a consensus that project-based teaching is student-centered, motivating, competence-oriented, reality-based, and personality-enhancing.

In combination with the storyline, project work proves to be a particularly important and efficient place of realization. In this seminar we will deal with the following questions, among others: How did project didactics come into existence? What are the basic stages of project work? What is the purpose and how is it implemented in DaF lessons?

Designing learning processes digitally

Designing learning processes with Padlet

Digitization is advancing steadily in all sectors of society. School education is also affected by this wave of digitalization.

Today's teachers should adapt to modernity and can use innovative digital collaboration and organization tools in classrooms to perform their work more easily and efficiently.

Padlet presents itself as the solution that lets teachers create the learning process with enthusiasm, fun and engagement, while providing knowledge to learners.

What exactly is this tool? What is its purpose? How do I get access as a guest? How do I create my own Padlet and how can I use Padlet in the classroom and invite my learners to interact virtually? What do I gain and what do I lose when building a teaching sequence with Padlet?

Using the Flipped Classroom wisely

Do you get excited about individualized and independent learning with new media? Do you find traditional teaching methods outdated? Then this is the right seminar for you, because if you want to learn more efficiently, faster and more sustainably, then you should get to know the " Flipped Classroom"!

In the seminar we will address the following questions: What exactly is Flipped Classroom? What is the difference between traditional teaching and Flipped Classroom? How can Flipped Classroom be meaningfully integrated into learning processes?

BKD Teachers Camp in Bafoussam, July/ August 2022.

Designing learning processes analogically: Project-based teaching for young people

The two-day continuing educational course planned in Bafoussam as part of the BKD teachers Camps 2022 focuses on project-based teaching with young people.

What does project teaching mean? What are the phases of project-based teaching? What do I have to pay attention to as a teacher if I want to conduct good project lessons with my students?

This seminar will provide initial answers to these questions. After clarifying the terms, the seminar aims to look at the special features, the goals, the steps, the process and the evaluation of projects.  In a further step, it is a question of reflecting on the conditions for success and the challenges.

After this theoretical introduction, the participants will design, implement, evaluate and reflect on their own micro-projects in a practical phase in small groups. Finally, possible golden rules for a successful introduction of projects in DAF lessons will be formulated, so that a subsequent transfer into the school lessons of the participants is guaranteed.

Designing learning processes digitally:  Using digital tools for teaching German as a foreign language
As digitization advances, more and more collaboration and organization tools are making their way into classrooms. Digital tools offer teachers many opportunities to enrich their teaching with new methods. This allows them to fluidly guide their students through lessons, engage and motivate them to learn, and collaboratively achieve learning outcomes.

But how can teachers use digital tools in their DaF lessons in a meaningful way and support the learners in their learning process? What are the prerequisites for the successful use of digital tools in German lessons and what are the requirements for this use?

The seminar aims to answer the above questions. It aims to provide teachers with a comprehensive set of nine tools, ranging from the organization of group work to the design of interactive learning elements and digital collaboration opportunities. In practical exercises, teachers will be able to try out these tools directly and receive numerous suggestions on how they can use them in their lessons. In this way, they will also have the opportunity to strengthen their skills as teachers for student-activating instruction in the virtual classroom.

Would you like to get a taste of the digital world and test the effect of Learning Snacks, Padlet, Wordwall, etc. on your students using simple methods? Then you've come to the right place. Welcome and recharge your skills in this training!

BKD Teachers Camp in Dschang, September/ November 2022.

Designing learning processes analogically: Project teaching for young people

The planned two-day training focuses on project teaching with adolescents.

What does project teaching mean? What are the phases of project teaching? What do I have to pay attention to as a teacher if I want to conduct good project lessons with my students?

This seminar will provide initial answers to these questions. After clarifying the terms, the seminar aims to look at the special features, the goals, the steps, the process and the evaluation of projects.  In a further step, it is a question of reflecting on the conditions for success and the challenges.

After this theoretical introduction, the participants will design, implement, evaluate and reflect on their own micro-projects in a practical phase in small groups. Finally, possible golden rules for a successful introduction of projects in DAF lessons will be formulated, so that a subsequent transfer into the school lessons of the participants is guaranteed.

Designing learning processes digitally: Designing tasks digitally and contextualized

A seminar on the digitization of teaching or learning processes can be of particular value today, as we are witnessing a turnaround in some African school systems (using Cameroon as an example) in which the digital is becoming increasingly important. So the topic is not only new and timely, but also relevant and particularly comprehensive. Therefore, it is particularly important for a beginning to determine focal points that will help teachers master this new topic and efficiently use what they have learned for their own teaching practice.

The design of assignments is of great relevance in the classroom, so with this new paradigm of digitization, it is important that assignments are also designed to be digital and contextualized to match the interest of the learners. So how can digital assignments be designed to best fit the learning goals of the learners?

This seminar provides initial answers to this question.

