Passé/Présent/Futur Kamerun

 Photo Passé_Présent_Futur Kamerun
©Passé_Présent_Futur Kamerun

Goethe-Institut Kamerun

Betty Ndi, the daughter of a Cameroonian immigrant, wants to make a play on feminism, neo-colonialism and corruption, to justify the funding she has received for her project from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Once in Cameroon for the production process, she comes face to face with the country’s realities and, especially, the legacy of the German colonial past. What will she discover about the shared colonial past of Germany and Cameroon? Inspired by the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the end of the World War I in 2018, the play, “Kamerun, passé, présent et futur” [Kamerun; past, present and future], highlights Germany’s colonial history and its consequences on Cameroon till today. The play, which involves actors from Yaounde and Berlin is written by Juvénil Assomo and directed by  Jens Vilela Neumann. It is a project of Paradise Garden Productions funded by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Goethe-Institut Kamerun

Rue Joseph Mballa Eloumden (Rue 1.077)
P.O. Box 1067 Yaounde

Language: English, Français,Deutsch
Price: Free

+237 6 55 49 88 69 ; +237 6 51 30 29 50