Film Screening
ART HOUSE CINEMA | Das fliegende Klassenzimmer

Director: Tomy Wigand, colour, 110 min., 2002

Modern version of a novel by Erich Kästner. Jonathan (12) is a new boy at the world famous St. Thomas boarding school in Leipzig. The other boys quickly become his friends. They find a manuscript of a play and decide to perform it, but their choirmaster forbids them. He wrote the play together with his friend Robert who, however, disappeared when his father fled to the west from the GDR. The children discover the true relationships and their Christmas celebration is a resounding success after all.


Language: German with English Subtitle
Price: Free Entrance

+62 22 423 6440 ext.28
Part of series Arthouse Cinema 2017/2018

Jl. LLRE Martadinata 48, Bandung