Film German Film : Wild

German Film_ Wild © Christian Hüller

Friday, 26 October 2018, 6 PM

Goethe-Institut Nairobi

Director: Nicolette Krebitz, 97 min., 2015

Specially dedicated to lovers of German language and culture – from native speakers to Germany alumni* and even learners of the language. Come watch a German film and keep your German language active. This shall be followed by a discussion on alumni matters and activities. Organized by Goethe-Institut and Alumniportal Deutschland.

*Germany alumni are persons who studied or attended courses or trainings in Germany.

It all starts with a strange encounter: in the middle of the park she faces a wolf. They look each other straight in the eye - and it seems to her as if her previous life was a joke. The moment does not let her go, just like the thought to find the wolf again and never let go. Ania is attracted to this wolf. She wants to catch him, but she does not want to domesticate him, but it is she who wants to join his ferocity.

Wild tells of the love between a woman and a wolf - and unflinchingly explores the boundaries between human and animal nature. (Text courtesy: Goethe-Institut Madrid) 

