Film Festival European Film Festival 2017

Film Festival (c) Europeanfilmfestival Sri Lanka

Thursday, 12. - Tuesday, 17. October 2017

National Film Cinema Hall

European Film Festival in Sri Lanka is an annual film festival held in Colombo, organized by The European Union Delegation in partnership with European Cultural Institutions and Diplomatic Missions in Colombo and New Delhi.
This is the tenth consecutive year that this festival is taking place in Sri Lanka. The organizing committee of the festival is chaired by the European Union Delegation in Colombo and coordinated by Agenda 14.  Like in the past, the National Film Corporation of Sri Lanka joins hands as a partner of this year’s festival too.

This festival is a shared international cultural experience that aims to promote a friendly relationship and to increase the mutual understanding between European Nations and Sri Lanka.

German film contribution: Before Dawn

Film Festival (c) XVerleih_Matthias Bothor
Farewell To Europe tells the story of the Austrian writer and his life in exile from 1936 to 1942. Zweig was one of the most famous writers of his time, but as a Jewish intellectual he struggled to find the right stance towards the events in Nazi Germany. Driven to emigrate to South America at the peak of his worldwide fame, Zweig fell into despair at the sight of Europe’s downfall. This visually stunning and emotionally powerful film explores what it means to be a refugee, and exposes the difficult decision to speak out or remain silent in the face of tyranny.

