Our commitment to German

Deutsche digitale Kinderuni - Für Kinder von 8 bis 12 Jahren © Goethe-Institut / Kids Interactive

The Digital Children's Uni

The German Children’s Online University (Kinderuni) is a free educational platform of the Goethe-Institut for children aged 8 to 12. It helps children to find answers to questions about the phenomena of the world, and enables children to learn and play in the German language.

Couverture animée, vert et bleu, sei dabei ! © Goethe-Institut

International German Olympics

The International German Olympiad (IDO) will take place in Göttingen from 15 July to 22 July 2024. The winners of the national competition in Pakistan will compete in Göttingen against young people from 50 countries.

"Schulen: Partner der Zukunft" initiative

PASCH schools with a particular link to Germany. The Goethe-Institut acts as mentor to around 550 PASCH schools in the national education systems of over 100 countries.

Alumniportal Deutschland

Alumniportal Deutschland is a social network to promote networking between alumni of Germany, companies, universities and organisations.
