Design Festival
Seattle Design Festival: City Life Balance

Seattle Design Festival: City Life Balance
© Goethe Pop Up Seattle

Survey on the quality of living in Seattle at the Capitol Hill Design Crawl

Goethe Pop Up Seattle

Join Goethe Pop Up during the Capitol Hill Design Crawl at the Seattle Design Festival and explore how urbanism, architecture, and design can advance justice, ecology, and community. This year’s theme, Balance, asks, for example: How can design thinking foster a society that balances the needs of all its people and the planet?
At the Goethe Pop Up, and in collaboration with German architect Kira Jungfleisch, we take the questions further to investigate city life more closely. How livable is our city? What factors determine the quality of city life? And what keeps it all in balance? At this year’s Capitol Hill Design Crawl, we want to hear from you. Globally, Vienna tops the ranking of the annual Mercer Quality of Living Report, closely followed by Zurich, the runner-up, and Munich (No. 3), Düsseldorf (No. 6) and Frankfurt (No. 7). Seattle only made No. 46 of most livable cities. How do you feel about Seattle’s city life balance?
While we certainly want to hear your thoughts on four designated topics – traffic, nature, housing, and society – we also invite participants to physically express their opinion (through yoga poses or handstands, for example). We capture these embodied expressions on camera in our photo booth and add them to a photo exhibition that visualizes a citizen-based opinion barometer about the quality of living in Seattle.
All participants enter our giveaway for a chance to win two tickets to the show “A Duet Evening” by German-American dance company FLOCK who will perform on the same day at 7:30pm at Velocity Dance Center in Capitol Hill.


Goethe Pop Up Seattle

Chophouse Row
1424 11th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98122

Language: English
Price: Free

+1 415 990 9852