Virtual Discussion
Counter-Memories: Ada Pinkston & Angela N Carroll | Baltimore

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The conversation series Counter-Memories investigates a number of international monuments and places of remembrance whose symbolic significance often reveals a great deal about our relationship to history. The Goethe-Institutes in North America, the Goethe Pop Up Kansas City, the Thomas Mann House, and Onassis LA convene artists, activists, and intellectuals for illustrated virtual conversations around historical memory.
The episode will be released here at 2:00 pm (EST) on February 19th, 2021.

About the Place of Remembrance

The Green Book was established by African-Americans in search of spaces for freedom of movement against a backdrop of white supremacist Jim Crowe policies throughout the United States. When the Green Book was most circulated, Pennsylvania Avenue in Baltimore, Maryland was an energetic hub of African-American arts, culture and entertainment. Utilizing Pennsylvania Avenue as a point of departure, Ada Pinkston and Angela N Carroll examine the contrast between the cultural vibrancy of this past moment and the lack of resources and urban blight of this present day.
Ada Pinkston  © © Ada Pinkston  Ada Pinkston © Ada Pinkston
Ada Pinkston
is an artist, educator, and cultural organizer living and working in Baltimore, MD, where she is lecturer in Art Education at Towson University. Her work explores the intersection of imagined histories and sociopolitical realities on our bodies using performance, digital media, and mixed-media sculptures and installations. Her latest work The Avenue… A requiem for the past. A poem for the present. And a Dream for the future. is a visual essay and video performance on the green book and Black memory in Baltimore, MD. 
Angela N. Carroll © © Angela N. Carroll Angela N. Carroll © Angela N. Carroll
Angela N. Carroll
is an artist-archivist; an investigator of art history and culture. She is a curator and contributing writer for Saint Heron, Hyperallergic, Sugarcane Magazine, Black Art in America, Arts.Black, BmoreArt, and others. She received her MFA in Digital Arts and New Media from the University of California at Santa Cruz and intermittently teaches within the Film and Moving Image program at Stevenson University in Baltimore Maryland

Counter-Memories is a cooperation between the Goethe-Institutes North-America, the Onassis Foundation Los Angeles and the Thomas Mann House in collaboration with the project Shaping the Past.  





Language: English
Price: Free Admission

Part of series Counter-Memories

Presented by Goethe-Institut Washington