Book Club
German Book Club Reads Günter Grass

German Book Club Reads Günter Grass
© Goethe-Institut New York

Goethe-Institut New York

At the April German Book Club meeting we will discuss Günter Grass's Katz und Maus (dtv, €9,95 ISBN: 9783423143479).

Upon its release, critics praised this novella about a youth torn between petit-bourgeois normality and national socialist ideology and war mongering, declaring Günter Grass a master of short narrative.  But others viewed the book as indecent, a supposedly pornographic and blasphemous concoction meant to morally compromise children and teenagers.  Yet the novella became an overwhelming international success, and over fifty years later, the story of Joachim Mahlke, whose gigantic Adam’s apple makes him an outsider, has lost none of its relevance. 

Kindly RSVP via email to if you plan to attend.


Goethe-Institut New York

30 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003

Language: German
Price: Free with RSVP

+1 212 439 8688