Shades of Dó

HAN 12.08-14.08 Dó Ngo Duc
© Giấy Dó Ngô Đức

Workshop “Application of Dó paper in cyanotype printing technique”

Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Originally a traditional craft community with a long history, Dó paper making today shrinks to the point of being able to be identified by individuals, instead of a whole craft village as before. How has the appearance of a profession and a craft village changed over time? Is the Dó paper today any different from the old one in the past? What will be the pillars for Dó paper to stand in the midst of an ups and downs era that changes faster than ever?

This event aims to bring the old, present, and future story of Dó paper from the work ethic perspective of a young woman, who directly inherits the beauty from thought to practice of the previous generations.
The event is expected to be held in different formats: art show, talk shows, and workshops.

The art show is organized in an installing setup to tell the story of the formation of the Dó paper over time, production process and modern applications on Dó paper from talented artist: Vũ Kim Thư, Nguyễn Cẩm Anh, Jeet Zdung, Nguyễn Kim Long, Đào Huy Hoàng, Huỳnh Lân. At the same time, 1 talk show and 2 workshops are expected to spread Dó soul into your hands.

*Talk show “A quire of paper - A walk to remember”
Host: Ms. Ngô Thu Huyền - Founder of Ngô Đức Dó Paper
Main content: History of Đống Cao paper craft village, process of making paper, paper classification, and applications of Dó paper from history to nowadays
Fee: 100.000 VND/person
Language: Vietnamese

*Workshop “Learn to make Dó Paper”
Instructor: Ms. Ngô Thu Huyền - Founder of Ngô Đức Dó Paper
Main content: Introducing ingredients, tools and process for making paper; Guiding and practicing to make sheets of paper, water press, peel, and dry handmade paper.
Fee: 600.000 VND/person, 16+ workshop
Language: Vietnamese, English

*Workshop “Application of Dó paper in cyanotype printing technique”
Instructor: Nguyễn Kim Long - Photographer
Main content: History of cyanotype method; Materials and tools to make cyanotype; Basic making steps and practice; Additional methods
Fee: 600.000 VND/person, 16+ workshop
Language: Vietnamese, English

*Note: Discount when attending 2 workshops to 1 million VND/person


Goethe-Institut Hanoi

56-58-60 Nguyen-Thai-Hoc-Str., Ba Dinh

Language: Vietnamese – English
Price: 600.000 VND/Person, 16+ workshop

0915244344 (Ms. Dung)