Online event

Call for Application
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Online Working Sessions, Panel Discussions & Theatre-Live-Streaming Program.
Hosted by Münchner Kammerspiele and Goethe-Institut

Online event

How do we want to collaborate globally? What is needed to make international artistic working practices possible? How can we connect locally and still participate in an international exchange? Together with the Goethe-Institut, the Münchner Kammerspiele would like to invite you to a digital working weekend on Saturday, April 24 and Sunday, April 25, to discuss with artists and a professional audience about working practices and structures for the global artistic collaboration of the future.
With four working sessions, two panel discussions and live-streams of two international coproduced theatre pieces by the Münchner Kammerspiele we’d like to invite you to a weekend of encounters and exchange with the new artistic team at Münchner Kammerspiele under the direction of Barbara Mundel and with partners and artists worldwide. Let’s discuss on the questions that we as practitioners, institutions, festivals, foundations are busy not only since the pandemic, but since then more and more urgently: Ecological sustainability, sustainability in relationships, dealing with power structures and unequally distributed privileges, the relations between local context and international collaboration, questions of translation in the broadest sense. In short: we’d like to foster an exchange about experiences in international collaboration and a search for formats, funding systems and institutional structures for the global artistic collaboration of the future.

During the working weekend we would also like to present our artistic sisterhoods with Warszawa and Kyiv: Long-term sisterhoods to create exchange and encounter.

You can already register by sending an email to 

PROGRAM OVERVIEW (subject to change)
11 am. – 1 pm. Working Session 1 (in German)
How do we work together globally? Practices, thoughts and visions from the artists’ perspectives
2 pm. - 4 pm. Working Session 2 (in German)
How do we facilitate global collaborations? The future of guest performances and theatre festivals: What alternatives are there to short trips and touring? What institutional measures are needed? How should funding guidelines be further developed?
5 pm. Conversation on Sisterhoods (in English)
Warszawa – München – Kyiv
with: Viola Hasselberg (Münchner Kammerspiele), Agata Kołacz (TR Warszawa) and Andrii Palatnyi (Dakh Theatre / Gogolfest in Ukraine)
7 pm. Live-Stream Performance Program
TR Warszawa
Rechnitz. Opera – The Exterminating Angel (in Polish with English subtitles)
Director: Katarzyna Kalwat
9 pm. Live-Stream Performance Program
Münchner Kammerspiele
The Digital Assembly / Die Versammlung (German with English subtitles)
A realistic play by Porte Parole (Alex Ivanovic, Annabel Soutar, Brett Watson)
Director: Chris Abraham / Verena Regensburger
11 pm. Midnight Talk on the Performance Program and Zoom-Party

(Text: Maja Polk, Olivia Ebert, Martin Valdés-Stauber)



Online event

Price: On registration here