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Chapter CLIL- an overview introduction

  • Number of downloads:1506
pixabay / Tom_Jakob_Hauswirth

CLIL- an overview introduction The document highlights different aspects of the CLIL approach

Target group


pixabay / Tom_Jakob_Hauswirth


CLIL- an overview introduction
The document highlights different aspects of the CLIL approach

It starts with an introductory video. This is followed by definitions of CLIL and CLILig. The 4th point is a survey study of CLILig. Then the goals and target groups of CLIL are described in more detail and a historical development of CLIL is presented. At the end there are general recommendations.

Part of:

SeriesMINT und DaF

  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English

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  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English

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