
A woman listens to digital media from the Onleihe service and runs past people waiting at the bus stop in the rain. Illustration: Maria Tran Larsen © Goethe-Institut

What is Onleihe? 

The Onleihe is Goethe-Institut’s digital library (eLibrary). About 20,000 German language eBooks, audio books, movies, materials for German language learners, magazines and newspapers are available for downloading from the Onleihe. 

Anywhere, anytime, free of charge

After registration and activation, you can use the Onleihe media on your PC, laptop and mobile devices (Android and iOS), anytime and anywhere. 

Who can use the Onleihe?

Anyone with permanent residence outside Germany can use our eLibrary. Online registration is fast and easy. Library membership is not required. 
Currently, there are around 25,000 media available at our eLibrary. We offer this service only at the Goethe-Instituts abroad. To use the Onleihe in German speaking countries, please contact a public library near you. Have a look at the titles you will find in the eLibrary of the Goethe-Institut

How do I register?

Depending on your device, you have various options for accessing and downloading media:
