Film Installation
Julian Rosefeldt: Euphoria

People in business attire euphorically doing acrobatics inside a bank reception area
©Julian Rosefeldt

Film Installation

Melbourne Town Hall

"I’m so thrilled this international collaboration we embarked on back in 2019 between Germany, New York and Amsterdam is finally complete and coming to Melbourne for RISING", said RISING co-artistic director Gideon Obarzanek to Australian Arts Review.

We too, at Goethe-Institute are thrilled to announce our partnership with RISING Festival 2023 for Julian Rosefeldt's newest masterpiece: Euphoria.

This June, Rosefeldt, the master artist-filmmaker who gave us a chameleonic Cate Blanchett with Manifesto, will transform Melbourne Town Hall into an arena swallowed by screens in which magic unfolds:

A life-sized choir encircles you at ground level while jazz drummers duel from above. Acclaimed actors like Giancarlo Esposito and Virginia Newcomb narrate a surreal epic—delivering musings from some of history’s most influential economists, writers and thinkers from Snoop Dogg, Warren Buffett and Ayn Rand to Angela Davis and Mark Fisher. Homeless men discuss economics and executives do acrobatics in a bank lobby. Cate’s back too. This time she’s a tiger stalking the supermarket aisles.

It’s a vision that pummels capitalism with the excess it asks for, then waits for the dust to settle.


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Melbourne Town Hall

Swanston Street
3000 Melbourne

Price: $18 - $32

+61 3 9864 8923