Our Digital Future, c'est ici - Smart & Fast Expanding Cities

Our Digital Future
Our Digital Future: Smart & fast Expanding Cities |

​Shape the cities of tomorrow!


24-hour Thinkathon: Vancouver/Madrid - Smart and Fast Expanding Cities

Technological advancements and tools linked to smart cities including big data, the Internet of things (IoT), connected sensors, information & communication technologies (ICT) and cognitive computing all have the potential to create significant benefits in the way cities function.

We have the opportunity to better plan, interact, manage resources and tackle complex challenges, from governance and the environment to quality of life and education. By using modern technology we can create innovations that affect individuals, communities and businesses alike.
Connect with driven young people from Europe and Canada and develop ideas for our future on the topic of "Smart & Fast Expanding Cities"! Discuss how technological advancements are changing our understanding of cities and living together! How can we use digitality to build an inclusive society?
Your opinion matters! All outcomes will be shared with European and Canadian policymakers to make sure your voice is heard.

Register Now!




Language: English
Price: Free admission

+1 (514) 499 0159 - 111