Antonia Baehr: Abecedarium Bestiarium

Antonia Baehr
© Anja Weber

Portrait of affinities in animal metaphers

La Chapelle scènes contemporaines

As part of the Queer Performance Camp 2018, Berlin choreographer Antonia Baehr will present Abecedarium Bestiarium, a piece in which she invited her friends to write compositions for her, based on an alphabet of missing animals: D is for Dodo, T is for Tasmanian tiger, S is for Steller's sea cow… The authors choose an extinct animal that they feel strongly about. This brings about heterogenous choreographic miniatures in which they reflect their respective affinity to the chosen animal as well as their friendship to Antonia Baehr.
Antonia Baehr is a choreographer, performer, filmmaker and visual artist. Her works explore the fiction of the everyday and of the theatre, among other themes. She works together with various partners, frequently in the form of switching roles: from project to project, each artist alternately takes on the role of either guest or host. Baehr studied film and media arts at the Hochschule der Künste, Berlin, and obtained a DAAD-grant and a Merit Scholarship for the School of The Art Institute of Chicago. There she completed her Master in Performance. Since 2006, she has taught as guest professor at several European colleges.

© La Chapelle


La Chapelle scènes contemporaines

3700, rue Saint-Dominique
Montreal H2X 2X7

Price: $ 18