Public Workshop
Christopher Williams: Paix (musicale) perpétuelle

Christopher Williams / Supermusique
© Supermusique

Public Workshop - Ensemble SuperMusique

Le Gesù

Christopher Williams et Supermusique
Christopher Williams and Supermusique | © Supermusique
Through the collaboration of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Goethe-Institut Montreal, Le Vivier and HELLERAU - Europäisches Zentrum Der Künste Dresden, Berlin composer Christopher Williams has received a residency in Montreal. Williams is interested in the social aspects of notation, specifically how groups of artists use musical scores as a resource to create and remake their own music. He believes that the work of improvisers with notation could teach us something about social life and politics in general, and he is exploring this approach in his new laboratory project with Ensemble SuperMusique.
Christopher Williams et Supermusique © © Supermusique Christopher Williams et Supermusique © Supermusique

Ensemble SuperMusique (Cléo Palacio-Quintin, flutes; Elizabeth Millar, clarinet; Joane Hétu, alto saxophone, voice; Scott Thomson, trombone; Jennifer Thiessen, alto; Pierre-Yves Martel, viola da gamaba, harmonicas; Martin Tétreault, turntable; Danielle Palardy Roger, percussions)

Christopher Williams et Supermusique © © Supermusique Christopher Williams et Supermusique © Supermusique


Christopher Williams

Christopher Williams (1981, San Diego) is a wayfarer on the bodymind continuum. His media are music and sound. As a composer and contrabassist, Williams’s work runs the gamut from chamber music, improvisation, and radio art to collaborations with dancers, sound artists, and visual artists. Williams’ artistic research on improvisation, notation, and his body-mind continuum takes the form of both conventional academic publications and practicebased
multimedia projects. He is also an active concert curator and spokesman for the importance of thinking about sound in built environments.

More information:


Le Gesù

1200, rue de Bleury

Price: Free admission

+1 514-499-0150 #107