Concert Beethoven entdecken

Cyprus Symphony Orchestra Photo: Cyprus Symphony Orchestra/Kyriakos Arkatites

Cancelled due to Coronavirus

Nicosia Municipal Theatre

Cyprus Symphony Orchestra

Concert Series of the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra
Cancelled due to Coronavirus

The Goethe-Institut Cyprus would like to draw your attention to the following event by the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra on the occasion of the Beethoven anniversary.
On the occasion of the 250th anniversary of L. v. Beethoven’s birth, the Department of Secondary General Education and the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth collaborate with the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra to honour this titan of classical music. The Music Schools of Cyprus will perform a variety of musical genres by the composer: in particular, solo, chamber music and choral works. This anniversary celebration will culminate with the performance of the Beethoven’s demanding Choral Fantasy, together with the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra and students of the Music Schools as soloists.
L. v. Beethoven
Part 1: solo, chamber music and choral works
Part 2: Fantasy for piano, chorus and orchestra (“Choral Fantasy”), op. 80


Cyprus Music Schools
Ensembles, Soloists, Piano: Music Schools students
Choirmasters: Loizos S. Loizou, Solon Kladas, Iakos Demetriou, Francis-Nectarios Guy, Eleni Kyprianou
Cyprus Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Jens Georg Bachmann


Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth:
Department of Secondary General Education
Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
In collaboration with the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra Foundation
