The Media Resource Center

  • Die Mediothek Foto: Goethe-Institut/Thomas Koy

  • Die Mediothek Foto: Goethe-Institut/Markus Schwerer

  • Mediothek Foto: Annemone Taake

  • Mediothek © Goethe-Institut

  • Mediothek Foto: Goethe-Institut/Thomas Koy

  • Die Mediothek Foto: Annemone Taake

The media resource centers at the Goethe-Instituts in Germany: Here you can learn, do research, engage in discussions, prepare for classes or study for exams – according to your individual needs. However, this is also a place where you can relax, read a newspaper or converse with other course participants. This makes learning German even more fun.

Our media resource centers have four zones:

Learning Zone

The Learning Zone is intended for quiet study. Here you can work by yourself and focus on your learning goals. There are also computers for looking up information or searching for extra materials.

Communication Zone

In this zone, course participants engage in communicative activities. It is ideal for discussions, group work, practising with learning partners, and other shared learning activities.

Information Zone

For help using the media resource center, details about activities at the institute, or information about the culture and leisure programs, the Information Zone is the place to go. You can also get advice here on self-learning materials or support in using media or other resources. You’ll find information about Germany, current events and new books. Here we also display projects by course participants.

Relaxation Zone

This is the meeting area. It’s a place to unwind, where you can chat informally in a comfortable setting, read a magazine, or just take a coffee break with others.

Media and materials

All media resource centers have wifi, PC work stations, and a wealth of media and materials. You’ll find:
  • …DaF practice materials for reading, listening, writing and speaking
  • …grammar books and textbooks
  • …dictionaries and reference books
  • …materials for examination preparation
  • …reference books, fiction
  • daily and weekly newspapers, magazines
  • movies and video materials

Personal advice

The staff in the media resource center will be happy to offer support and advice on all of the resources, and help with the selection of suitable practice materials.

We regret that a media resource center is not available for the Heidelberg Summer Course or at our Vienna location at present.
