Book presentation
Fatma Aydemir : "Ellbogen"

Fatma Aydemir
© Tobias Bohm

Book presentation and discussion on debut novel of a Berlin author Fatma Aydemir

Ruang Seminar Lab Musik dan Tari UNY

Between Germany and Turkey - a young woman looking for a home. "Ellbogen" is a warm-hearted and wild debut novel that the Berlin author Fatma Aydemir will present at the Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
She is seventeen. She was born in Berlin. Her name is Hazal Akgündüz. Actually, she could become an ordinary adult. Only that her parents immigrated from Turkey feel foreign in Germany. And that Hazal makes fatal mistakes in her search for home. First it's just a smeared lipstick. Then blunt force. When the police come after her, Hazal flees to Istanbul, where she has never been before. Warm-hearted and wild, Fatma Aydemir tells of the many people who live between cultures and nations, and of their search for a place in the world. You want to help Hazal, you want to run with her through the night, you want to know how it goes on with her and with us all.
In her debut novel, the taz editor Fatma Aydemir tells of one who is on the margins, who finds no place in this society, because she lives between cultures and nations and that somehow does not care. Or not?

Fatma Aydemir (Berlin, Germany)
Fatma Aydemir was born in 1986 in Karlsruhe. From 2007 to 2012 she studied German and American Studies in Frankfurt am Main. Since 2012 she lives in Berlin and is an editor at the taz. As a freelance writer, she also writes for numerous magazines, including Spex and Missy Magazine. For Hanser, her debut novel "Ellbogen" was released in 2017, for which she was awarded the Klaus-Michael Kühne Prize of the Harbor Front Literature Festival.

This book presentation is an event of the Goethe-Institut Indonesia in cooperation with the German department of the Faculty of Language and Arts Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The presentation will be done by Michaela Nocker (DAAD) and Ivan Akbar (UNY). Afterwards, the German department invites you to enjoy some snacks and refreshments.


Ruang Seminar Lab Musik dan Tari UNY

2nd Floor
Jl. Colombo No.1
Caturtunggal, Depok
55281 Yogyakarta