Exhibition & Presentation
Sophie Innmann und Dhanny Sanjaya

Residenz Cemeti Präsentation
Cemeti - Institute for Society and Art

Residency program in cooperation with Cemeti – Institut for Art and Society

Cemeti - Institute for Arts and Society

22 November 2019
7 PM
29 November 2019
7 PM

During her stay in Yogyakarta, Sophie Innmann developed participatory interventions in which she displayed herself in very frequented spots in and around the city, provoking people watching her while watching them. The concept is based on her personal experience of moving in public space, about activity and passivity. More precisely it is the idea of observation.
In addition, Sophie created work concepts and a workshop for highschool kids that derive from the dependence on smartphones and, especially, the internet in daily life. Here she worked with questions of energy consumption, data mining and abuse of data, the loss of personal and social abilities, and the exploitation of the workforce.
She also continued an earlier work process in which she explores various methods of creating automatic paintings.
Starting from an interest in the theme of future sea emptiness, Dhanny “Danot” Sanjaya sought new possibilities by looking at this issue within the framework of the local situation in Yogyakarta.
Danot uses various stories and data as the basis for building the narrative of the work, in which he links the issue of the loss of fish stock in the sea to the story of the river and the consumption pattern of the local community. He then stitched these two problems into a fiction of the latest discovery in the food technology called “cultured meat”, offering lab-grown, cell-based, slaughter-free meat.
Sophie Innmann (Germany) and Dhanny Sanjaya (Indonesia) took part in the residency program of Cemeti – Institute for Art and Society in cooperation with Goethe-Institut Indonesien from September to November 2019.

Cemeti’s artist-in-residence program encourages an open process of research and knowledge exchange and focuses on working with local urgencies.

Sophie Innmann holds a degree in Fine Arts from the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe, where she graduated in 2014 as Meisterschülerin of Prof. Leni Hoffmann. Her art practice is marked by site-specific installations and interventions based on the observation of spaces and human actions that create our everyday experience. She transforms these into underlying concepts for participatory experimental settings with an open-ended outcome. Her proposals aim to outline the possibilities of how to create an image based on human activity. Her work is shown internationally in solo and group exhibitions and she has been awarded several residencies and scholarships.
Dhanny Sanjaya graduated from Universitas Pelita Harapan in Visual Communication Design. His art projects range from personal experience and social criticism to in-depth research in science, literature, and ethnography. His recent art projects are primarily concerned with “fish” as a theme - that has to do with aesthetic awareness and as well serves as a vehicle that carries us back along the path that humankind has traveled and our stance vis-à-vis the environment. In the residency he intends to develop an Ichthys Humanology Institute, a fictional institution focusing on the relationships between humans, fish and the sea.       ​


Cemeti - Institute for Arts and Society

Jl. D.I. Panjaitan No. 41, Yogyakarta

Language: English
Price: Free and open to the public

+62 21 23550208-116 Maya.maya@goethe.de