Film Festival
Let's Upcycle! Make your own handmade paper Diwali cards

Science Film Festival 2020: Film Screenings and Activity


For Ages: 8 - 14 years
Registration Essential: Limited spots
Register here:


We will watch:

SFF 2020: nine-and-a-half – Your Reporter - Bye Plastic.
© tvisison GmbH/WDR
Nine-and-a-half - Your Reporter: Bye, Plastic! - Can We Do Without Packaging
09:30 mins

Cheese, fruit, sweets, shampoo – almost everything we buy in the supermarket is wrapped in plastic, because plastic is cheap and practical as a packaging material. However, this creates huge mountains of packaging waste every year, which causes great problems in the world. Jana wants to know why so many goods are packed in plastic and whether there is another way. To find out, she meets scientist Lukas Sattlegger, who spent a month examining packaging in a supermarket. She also visits 11-year-old Carlos, whose family makes beeswax wraps.
SDGs: 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities | 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

SFF 2020: Knietzsche and the Environment
© vision X Mediengesellschaft mbH, WDR
Knietzsche and the Environment
03:04 mins

Knietzsche believes that the protection of the environment is important, butnot always easy. Many things that we humans like to do produce garbage or pollute the air. Even though nature is so good to us! So, it is all the more important that everyone does his or her part to ensure that the earth continues to prosper in the future.Packaging waste, air pollution, consumption and global warming are topics that Knietzsche addresses. After all, the environment concerns us all.
SDGs: 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities I 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production I 13 - Climate Action I 14 - Life below Water I 15 - Life on Land

SFF2020: Knietzsche und die Zukunft © © vision X Mediengesellschaft mbH, WDR SFF2020: Knietzsche und die Zukunft © vision X Mediengesellschaft mbH, WDR
Knietzsche and the Future
03:04 Minutes

Knietzsche believes that the future does not just happen, but that you shape it through deeds, thoughts and dreams. You cannot plan everything precisely, because nobody knows the future. The desire for progress is the fuel for inventors. Some inventions, which were good and effective in the past, might later have consequences that the inventors had not expected. But good ideas definitely make life better. So put the future in the best hands – yours!
SDG's: 4 - Quality Education I 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth I 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure I 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities I 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production 

SFF 2020: Let’s Revive the World
© Larissa Pangestian Harahap (Goethe-Institut Indonesia), Kerstin Rickermann (Glocal FIlms)
Let’s Revive the World!
06:34 mins

The film was made as part of a school camp in Indonesia. Ten students from partner schools from all over Indonesia tell us about the beauty of their country and one of the biggest problems: waste. In an interview with the co-founder of a zero-waste shop, they show one way of dealing with one of the biggest problems in the world. Everyone can participate. Even small changes can make a difference in the world. It's never too late to start. Let’s revive the world!
SDGs: 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities | 12. Responsible Consumption and Production


Get Hands-On And Upcycle!

After the screenings, workshop participants share their thoughts on upcycling, as we brainstorm about what we can do with all the plastic and paper we collect! We move from talk to action, making handmade paper sheets from waste paper lying around all our houses, just in time for our Diwali cards! The session encourages participants to creatively engage with the issues of waste reduction and reuse.

What you need to make your own handmade paper: 
  • A4 sheets with old art work you no longer need or magazine sheets
  • Water
  • Large kitchen sieve and bowl
  • Old rag cloth
  • Dried leaves, petals or bits of foil to decorate your paper (optional)
More details will be shared when you register!

Registration Essential: 

Register here!  -  Limited spots



Located at: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya (CSMVS)
159-161, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Fort

Part of series Science Film Festival 2020