Our service
Our film archive contains over 500 German feature films in original version with English subtitles.Our collection covers a wide range of films, right from the expressionistic era to the most recent productions in German cinema.They can be borrowed free of charge for non-commercial screenings by film clubs, film festivals, and other cultural and educational institutions of all regions in India. The branches of the Goethe-Institut in the neighbouring countries of South Asia, such as Afghanistan (Kabul), Bangladesh (Dhaka), Pakistan (Karachi), und Sri Lanka (Colombo) can also borrow films for their own screenings or screenings by partners. The costs for transportation (both ways) have to be borne by the borrower.
We additionally offer the following services:
- Theme-wise programmes of films from our collection
- Information material on the films
- Facilitating contacts between German and Indian filmmakers
- Information on German film festivals
Udatta Mohan BhattacharyaCoordinator, Regional Filmarchive
Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata
Park Mansions, Gate 4
57A, Park Street
Kolkata 700016
Tel. +91 33 2264 (-6398), (-6602), (-6424)