
In unserer Bibliothek finden Sie Bücher, Zeitschriften, Filme, Musik, Apps und Spiele in deutscher Sprache. Unsere übersetzten Titel bieten auch nicht Deutsch Lesenden die Möglichkeit, sich über Literatur, Kultur, Gesellschaft, Politik und Zeitgeschehen in Deutschland zu informieren. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bildet unsere Sammlung Deutsch als Fremdsprache.

Offer of our library

In the library you'll find an up-to-date selection of printed and audiovisual media both in German and English to keep you informed about latest trends and current issues.

We can offer you
  • German-language books
  • Translations of German authors into English
  • Reference works and dictionaries
  • German weekly newspapers
  • German specialist journals
  • Databases
  • Music CDs and Audio Books
  • DVDs

Lending service

The library is open to the general public. Reference use of the library and information centre is free of charge. To borrow books and other materials, you need a valid library card. Please contact our office during the opening hours.

Library cards are available for the following fees:
Adults: N$150
Students: N$75

Loan periods:
Books, DVD's and Audio books: 3 weeks 
Magazines: 1 week

The loan period may be extended, provided that other library users have not reserved the materials. 



BibToGo is the Goethe-Institut library app.

BibToGo is the Goethe-Institut library app. It is also your personal library account. It gives you access to our media and services whenever you need them.

Learn more

It is also your personal library account. It gives you access to our media and services whenever you need them.

Learn more

Opening Hours

Mon–Thu: 9am–5:30pm
Fri: 9am–2pm


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