Postponed. Poetry Sessions 3

Poetry Session 3 21 slide
©Goethe-Institut Namibia

A Dedication to Thee

Goethe-Institut Namibia

The Poetry Session 3 held under the theme ‘A dedication to Thee’ will feature published poet, Leana Emily Hengari, who will share her work and experiences.

Established and upcoming Namibian poets will dedicate their poems to relevant persons in their lives. Poets will share and celebrate people around them who are still alive and who influence their lives positively. In normal situations, poets and ordinary civilians normally celebrate families and friends at funerals. This session will be different and celebrate those who are alive.

Leana Emily Hengari is a humanitarian who has the community at heart. She is an author/ writer, speaker, poet, mentor and the Gender Department Administrative officer at LifeLine\ChildLine Namibia. Her poems and articles focus on different social issues.


Goethe-Institut Namibia

1-5 Fidel Castro Street
P.O. Box 1208 Windhoek

Language: English
Price: Free Admission

+264 61 225 700