Event series
German Film at Doc Edge Festival

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The DocEdge Festival and Goethe-Institut will present the German production WHEN GOD SLEEPS in Wellington und Auckland.

We are delighted that the film's director Till Schauder will attend the screenings of his movie in Wellington and Auckland. The film will be followed by a Q&A. Till Schauder will also participate at the Screen Edge Forum.


Till Schauder © © DOCedge Till Schauder © DOCedge
Schauder (born 1971 in Seattle/USA) got his start interning for Roger Corman in Los Angeles before he directed award winning student films at the University of Television and Film, Munich. After earning his MA from the Munich film school he relocated to New York with a post-degree scholarship, granted by the German Foreign Ministry Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), to study acting at New York University.

His U.S. narrative debut, SANTA SMOKES, which he wrote, co-directed and starred in, won several international awards, among them Best Director at the Tokyo International Film Festival and the Studio Hamburg Newcomer Award. In 2012, Schauder completed his first documentary, the critically acclaimed THE IRAN JOB, which was released worldwide, mentioned as an Oscar contender and shortlisted for a German Academy Award.

In 2014 he was awarded the prestigious Gerd-Ruge-Stipendium by Medienstiftung NRW to develop WHEN GODSLEEPS, which world premiered in April at the Tribeca Film Festival. WHEN GOD SLEEPS had its Germany premiere at Filmfest Munich, and was released theatrically in Germany in October 2017.