Common Waste
Common Libraries

Common Waste ©Goethe-Institut/Matej Marjanovic

In times of thousands of tonnes of waste in the Mediterranean and hardly developed infrastructure for recycling processes in South-East Europe, we would like to expand knowledge about waste prevention, recycling and circular economy and to network young initiators with each other.

The 4 Teams and their ideas

Open Call

For this project, we are looking for people who are passionate about the topics sustainability, waste prevention and circular economy and are interested in developing ideas in cross-national teams.

The Open Call is aimed at students, young professionals and activists coming from the fields of arts, ecology, sustainability and circular economy. We are also looking for librarians who are interested in libraries as sustainable institutions.

Our ambition is bringing together a group of creative minds to work together on formats relating to the topics mentioned above. The intention is to strengthen libraries as places of informal learning and exchange.

From June to October 2024, Common Waste – Common Libraries will take place with a programme of live and online formats:
  • A group of around 15 people will be selected to take part in the project, starting with a three-day Ideathon in Zagreb (5 - 7th June).
  • During the Ideathon, transnational teams will be formed and you will receive input and inspiration from mentors and experts.
  • In the following months the participants will develop in their teams educational formats for use and implementation in libraries (such as workshops, simulation games, board games, waste detox kit) until September.
The project language is English. You eligible to apply if you are a resident of one of the following countries: Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.​​​​​​

Application Deadline was 21 April 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact us at:

Learn more


Common Waste is being realised by the Goethe-Institut in Athens, Belgrade, Bucharest, Istanbul, Sarajevo, Sofia, Thessaloniki and Zagreb in cooperation with our partner Green Network of Activist Groups (ZMAG).