Freepost © © Bernd Struckmeyer Freepost © Bernd Struckmeyer

Digital Discourse | Freepost

Anti-liberal, nationalistic movements are gaining in strength around the world. Social conventions such as cultural openness, social equity and freedom of opinion appear to be under threat. Why are populist tendencies on the rise in this era of digitization and globalization? How can the values of democracy be protected? These are questions which Portofrei raises – an interactive discourse format that invites you to leave your own filter bubble and open yourself up to new ways of thinking.

In each case, two people from the cultural sphere engage in a chaired debate on four different aspects of nationalism/populism – not only with one another but also with Web users on and all social media channels. This gives rise to open, intercultural and multilingual digital correspondence – completely postage-free!  



Kübra Gümüşay Photo: Mirza Odabaşı

Kübra Gümüşay

Luis Felipe Miguel Photo: Regina Dalcastagne

Luis Felipe Miguel
