Concepts and materials
Unternehmen Deutsch

Unternehmen Deutsch zwei studentinnen © © Foto: Dietmar Wäsche Unternehmen Deutsch zwei studentinnen © Foto: Dietmar Wäsche
If you have a headache, you take an aspirin and the family goes on vacation in the VW. Many German companies and products are not only known in Germany, but all over the world. Germany is one of the most important trading partners for many countries.

The Unternehmen Deutsch project bridges the gap between business and German classes. It illustrates the importance of the German language on the international job market.

In six teaching modules, students learn more about Germany as a business location. The students' task is to create presentations on German companies. To do this, they do research on German-language websites on the Internet, send emails to “real” contacts in the companies. The information is collected and processed in workrooms on the learning platform and a glossary with the necessary vocabulary is created. In the end, they introduce “their” company to the class.

Knowledge of German at B1 level is required. The teaching materials for the independent implementation of the project in the classroom are available to all teachers. Each module consists of a lesson plan, vocabulary list, student worksheets and answer keys, and quizzes and answer keys.
