
Economy Photo (detail): Harald Hauswald @ Bundesstiftung Aufarbeitung

East Germany was a Socialist planned economy; West Germany a Capitalist market economy. Sounds unquestionable, right? But are planned economies and market economies opposites? What happens to an economy when the constant flow of goods, capital and people is tightly controlled, as it was in East Germany? And despite being notoriously known for having a tight grip on its borders and restriction of movement, East Germany engaged in Socialist Globalization. What was Socialist Globalization and how did it compare to the global flows of Capitalist West Germany?  

How much regulation does the economy need? Video still © Goethe-Institut New York

Where there is a will, there is a way

“Contraband” in the GDR: How did East German teens go about getting the jeans jacket or the latest AC/DC tape they wanted, but couldn't get in the GDR? And what do pizza boxes and album covers have in common? 

Jonathan Zatlin Video still © Goethe-Institut New York

Desire, Need and “Vitamin B”

Does Capitalism sell you things you don't need? How to make 1000 jars of jam? Follow Jonathan Zatlin, PhD, in this fascinating discussion about East Germany's shortage economy. 

Planned economy and the money Video still © Goethe-Institut New York

Planned economy vs. free markets: Are they opposites?

The short answer: No, they're not. They're both interrelated and have much more in common than you think. 

Jonathan Zatlin Video still © Goethe-Institut New York

“In it for the money”

Americans use the expression “In it for the money” negatively. How did East Germans think of money in their planned economy? How about in West Germany?

What is Socialist Globalization? Video still © Goethe-Institut New York

What was Socialist Globalization?

East Germany was notoriously known for closed borders and restriction of movement, but it also participated in Socialist Globalization. Quinn Slobodian, PhD, professor of history at Wellesley College discusses the deep interconnections of East Germany with many parts of the world outside of Europe. A global Cold War network that included vast exchanges of goods, people and expertise. 

How did East Germany (GDR) fit into Socialist Globalization? Video still © Goethe-Institut New York

East Germany in the Socialist Globalization

How did East Germany (GDR) fit into Socialist Globalization?

Quinn Slobodian Video still: © Goethe-Institut New York

Globalization: Socialist vs. Capitalist

Capitalist Globalization? Socialist Globalization? What's the difference? 

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