Show me your Shelves

Show me your Shelves
© C&. Photo: Florian Bong-Kil Grosse

Artistic dialogue between Black artists from Germany and the US

Various Public Libraries in Detroit

First in Detroit, then later this year in Houston, the two-part show brings together eight artists reflecting on existing common structures, experiences, as well as differences between German Afro-diasporic cultures and lifestyles and African American perspectives. The exhibition challenges the question of how libraries can expand on becoming open spaces of encounter and knowledge specifically regarding the connections of African Diasporas.
Beginning on July 17th  2019, Bree Gant (Detroit), Jennifer Harge (Detroit), James Gregory Atkinson (Frankfurt) and Janine Jembere (Berlin) will be presenting their installations, films, sound and performance pieces in different branches of the Detroit Public Library.
“Show me your Shelves!” is conceived by founders and editors-in-chief of the art magazines Contemporary And (C&) and Contemporary And América Latina (C& AL) Julia Grosse and Yvette Mutumba. It is facilitated in close collaboration with Jessica Allie, director of ProjectArt Detroit, a free after-school and artists residency program located in several Detroit public libraries.

This exhibition is part of the Year of German-American Friendship initiated by the German Federal Foreign Office and the Goethe-Institut, and supported by the Federation of German Industries (BDI).


Various Public Libraries in Detroit

Please visit www.contemporaryand.com for more information about the dates and locations