Film Screening
Children’s Film Festival Seattle: Wilde Welt

Tobi and the Turbobus
Image (detail): © FelsFilms

A German-language short film program.


Goethe Pop Up Seattle is excited to partner with the Children’s Film Festival Seattle to present this year’s selection of German-language short films for kids. The 16th iteration of the festival will be completely virtual to honor the theme of “Love & Light” during the pandemic.

The all-German language short film program Wilde Welt will take you on fantastic flights of fancy — fly to the moon with a little cactus, take a wild ride on a turbobus, find out a grandma’s wonderful secret, and watch the drama as a boy’s drawings come to life. The program also includes a bonus film — an animation film made by a daycare center in Germany that tells a story of the challenges faced by immigrants to their new country.
Short Films in this Program:
The Musifants
(Meike Fehre, Germany, animated, 2020, 4 min) 
West Coast premiere!
Learn to count to eight in German with this music video as you blast off to outer space with an elephant, a bear, a chicken, and a little cactus.
Tobi and the Turbobus
(Verena Fels & Marc Angele, Germany, animated, 2019, 8 min)
WA premiere! 

You fly with no seat! That's the rule in the Turbobus. But to get a seat is a hard job for a young wolf on his turbo-journey to find real friendship.

Grandma’s Secret
(Lydia Bruna, Germany, live-action, 2019, 15 min) 
Seattle premiere!

Lisa and her friend Tom love spending time together at Lisa’s granny’s house. One day, when granny starts behaving strangely, they decide it's time for a visit, not realizing that they are in for a happy surprise!

(Alexander Feichter, Germany, live-action, 2020, 23 min) 

Felix lives in a world of his own, drawing paper figures and imagining them coming to life. But while visiting his favorite uncle, something amazing happens — Felix discovers his drawings are real creatures after all. Thus begins an amazing adventure.

It Fits
(Ulrike Korbach in Cooperation with Children of the FABIDO Daycare Center in Dortmund, Germany, animated, 2020, 6 min)
Bonus youth-made film!

Made entirely by small children in a German daycare, this film tells the story of a family who must move from their home to a new country, where there is more work. But they find that in many ways, life is harder in their new country.
The short film program Wilde Welt will be available to view on-demand at any time during the festival (February 18-28, 2021). With sliding-scale, pay-what-you-can ticketing and a finely curated slate of films available on-demand, CFFS 2021 will be accessible to youth, families, and film lovers of any age, residing in any country.

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About the festival:

Since 2005, Children’s Film Festival Seattle has used film as a tool for championing racial equity, diversity, inclusivity, social justice, global awareness, and the best in visual storytelling for young people. Crafted with care and concern for the urgent issues of the moment, the festival stands out for its ability to showcase the best and brightest in international cinema, while always upholding its values and commitment to creating intimate, community-minded viewing experiences.





Language: German with English subtitles
Ages 8+
Price: $5-25 (sliding scale)