Party with BronxBerlinConnection
Dance the Transatlantic

@Olad Aden

Goethe-Institut New York

The BronxBerlin Connection is coming back to the Goethe-Institut New York after a year-long hiatus and you´re invited to dance with artists from both sides of the Atlantic under the rhythmic beats of DJ Farbeon and Corey James Gray.

Originating from social work on the street, for the past 13 years, the  BronxBerlinConnection has been facilitating cultural exchanges between youth in Germany, France and the US: Hip hopers, beatboxers, dancers. The encounters are recorded in the BerlinBronxConnection, an award-winning 2019 documentary by Olad Aden and Aline-Sitoe N`Diaye, that chronicles this eponymous cultural exchange program. 

Join us and get to know the 2021 cohort, catch their performance and dance! Space is limited  and proof of Covid19- vaccination is required. Free of charge. Reserve your spot by registering on Eventbrite. 



Goethe-Institut New York

30 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003

Language: English
Price: Free of charge

+1 212 439 8700