Information Fair, Workshops, Networking
Celebrating Multilingualism on the European Day of Languages

Career Booster GermanY

Goethe-Institut New York

-- Please note that we are at full capacity for this event and are no longer accepting registrations--

Dual language programs across NYC have received considerable attention in the last years in an effort to provide more inclusive and equitable classroom experience for diverse student communities. In order to celebrate the multitude of languages at the heart of dual language programs, the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC), EU diplomatic community and the China Institute cordially invite to a networking event on the European Day of Languages.

A first of its kind, the event aims at introducing and connecting NYC´s educational community to EU institutions and their resources. It intends to open up space for mutual dialogue and to brainstorm about how to join forces towards supporting and expanding dual language programs in the city.

We will showcase successful dual language programs in the public educational system, a panel comparing European and US- models in bilingual education, step-by-step workshops on how to globalize the classroom, mini-language lessons (European languages), and panel discussions with educational experts on approaches to inclusive education.

EUNIC is Europe’s network of national cultural institutes, with 36 members from 28 EU member states and offices in over 150 countries. EUNIC members work in the arts, languages, youth, education, science, society and intercultural dialogue. They are uniquely positioned to showcase best case practices in bilingual education, schools and pedagogical concepts from both, the EU and the US.

For Department of Education employees, superintendents, principals, teachers, world languages coordinators, guidance and career counselors.

RSVP by Sept. 16th, 2019

Participating Partners (Info Fair and/or Presentations)

German Consulate General NY
French Embassy Cultural Services
French American Cultural Exchange (FACE) Foundation
French Institute Alliance Francaise (FIAF)
Italian Consulate/ Istituto Italiano di Cultura
IACE (Italian American Committee on Education)
Center for Modern Italian Art
Goethe-Institut NY
Instituto Camões
Portugal Consulate General
Polish Cultural Institute NY
Consulate of Spain- Education Office
Instituto Cervantes
Swiss Consulate General
Elizabeth Kostova Foundation
China Institute
NY Children Film Festival
NYC Department of Education 
NY State Education Department
Education Update Portal
Frankfurt Bookfair
LIDEL - Edições Técnicas
Porto Editora



Goethe-Institut New York

30 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003

Price: Free

+1 212 4398700