Film Series
Dreamed Paths. The Films of Angela Schanelec

Angela Schanelec
© Filmgalerie 451

Angela Schanelec in person February 7 & 8

Film at Lincoln Center

German director Angela Schanelec’s films have a rhythm and tone all their own—mysterious yet moving, they unearth the metaphysics rumbling beneath the placid surface of everyday life. Her work with actors is like that of no other filmmaker, a radical approach to performance that draws on her own background in theater traditions as much as kind of Bressonian anti-naturalism. Likely the most singular and underappreciated among the contemporary German filmmakers collectively known as the Berlin School (which also includes Christian Petzold, Thomas Arslan, and Valeska Grisebach), Schanelec makes films that achieve nothing less than the rendering of the human soul on screen. To coincide with the February 14 opening at Film at Lincoln Center of her latest feature, I Was at Home, But… (NYFF57), a Cinema Guild release, Schanelec joins us for a complete retrospective of her astonishing and audacious body of work, plus a small selection of films picked by the filmmaker herself.

Throughout the retrospective, the Viennale’s new collection of writing on Schanelec and her work, Textur #1: Angela Schanelec, will be available for purchase at Film at Lincoln Center.

Organized by Dennis Lim and Dan Sullivan. Presented with support from German Films.

Deutsche Kinemathek, Cinema Guild, Goethe-Institut New York, Korean Academy of Film Arts, TIFF Cinematheque, Harvard Film Archive.

Film Program

with Angela Schanelec Q&A
2019, Germany, 105min
February 7, 7:00pm

MY SISTER'S GOOD FORTUNE / Das Glück meiner Schwester
German with English subtitles
1995, Germany, 84min, 35mm
February 7, 9:30pm with introduction by Angela Schanelec
February 9, 6:00pm

PASSING SUMMER / Mein langsames Leben
German with English subtitles,
2001, Germany, 85 min, 35mm
February 8, 2:00pm 
February 10, 7:00pm

German and French with English subtitles
2004, France/Germany, 95min, 35mm
February 8, 4:00pm with Angela Schanelec Q&A
February 11, 9:00pm

AFTERNOON / Nachmittag
German with English subtitles
2007, Germany, 97min, 35mm
February 8, 6:30pm with Angela Schanelec Q&A
February 10, 9:00pm

Dir. Maurice Pialat
1972, France/Italy, French with English subtitles, 110min, 35min
February 8, 9:00pm with introduction by Angela Schanelec
February 12, 4:00pm

I'M GOING HOME / Je rentre a la maison
Dir. Manoel de Oliveira
2001, Portugal/France, French and English with English subtitles, 90min, 35mm
February 9, 2:00pm
February 12, 9:00pm

THE DREAMED PATH / Der traumhafte weg
2016, Germany, English and German with English subtitles, 86min
February 9, 4:00pm
February 12, 7:00pm

Dir. Lee Suk-gyeong
2009, South Korea, Korean with English subtitles, 87min
February 9, 8:00pm

1991-2014, Germany, 81min
February 11, 7:00pm

PLACES IN CITIES / Plätze in Städten
1998, Germany, German and French with English subtitles, 117min, 35mm
February 13, 6:30pm

2010, Germany/France, German, French and English with English subtitles, 84min, 35mm
February 13, 9:00pm


Film at Lincoln Center

Walter Reade Theater
165 West 65th Street
New York, NY 10023

Price: $15 ($12 seniors, students, and people with disabilities)

+1 212 875-5232