Event series
Internet and society

HAN Digitale Gesellschaft 7360
© Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Lectures and Discussion about the effects of digitization on us and the world around us.

The current rapid social and technological and social change brings about enormous uncertainties – a great need for explanations and sense-making but also of shaping our common future. This high-profile lecture series thrives to develop a European-Vietnamese perspective on the processes of transformation that our societies are currently undergoing.

What is changing in society? What is power in the digital society, and how is it distributed? Is there more democracy through increased participation and transparency? Or less privacy protection and more surveillance and fragmentation of social life? Are services fuelled by algorithms and artificial intelligence improving our private and business lives, or do they enforce social inequalities? How does urban life change in times of digitization, what role do infrastructures take?

This series has been produced by the Alexander von Humboldt INSTITUTE FOR INTERNET & SOCIETY (HIIG) and the German Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb). Its adaption for Vietnamese audiences wants to serve as source for information, inspiration and discussion.