Presentation Imagination Night #2: Flying House presents Creative Stock Exchange 2.0

Flying House Logo Flying House Logo

Mi, 28.03.2018

18:30 Uhr

Critical, compassionate, creative and collaborative: why investing in the performing arts is more important than ever

Or, would you get a playwright to write your business strategy?

Digitisation, 21st century skills and the future of work - artists have a critical role to play in the economy of now and the future.

Flying House is on a mission to connect performing artists with opportunities, and business with creative capital. Come and share knowledge, ideas and imaginings about impact investing in the arts. Find out why storytelling, music and theatrical performance might be the perfect tech innovation to accompany our ride into the 4th industrial revolution.

In current buzz-speak, the four C's - creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication are identified as important skills in an economy where human beings and machines will compete for jobs. Any theatre graduate knows that these C's come standard with the training, and they can add a few more - Compassion, for example. Caring, and Character. Is this the age where artists and the creative classes truly come into their own? If so, why are they are struggling to monetize and sustain livelihoods?

The value proposition of the soft-skilled creative is precisely that they can do what machines can’t. Somewhere in between wanting to overthrow the system and wanting to earn money from it, artists can help map a sustainable path. Flying House’s contribution to the Goethe Imagination Nights series is to interrogate the idea of a Creative Stock Exchange. Artists will present the business case for investing in a creative future and business leaders will have an opportunity to identify their needs and ways of working together.

Flying House is supported by a grant from Rand Merchant Bank
