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Chapter Story time

  • Number of downloads:72877

In the "Story time", the Goethe-Institut Warsaw takes young learners of German into the fairy tale world of the Brothers Grimm.

Language level

Target group




In the "Story time", the Goethe-Institut Warsaw takes young learners of German into the fairy tale world of the Brothers Grimm. With a wide range of material and varied didactics, the "Fairy Tale Hour" also offers many impulses for German lessons.

Take a look at the video of the fairy tale lesson.


The tasks and movement games do not follow a progression, i.e. they can be selected selectively by the teacher and used in combination with the fairy tale films. The materials aim to teach communicative units (= chunks) in a playful way and are aimed at young learners at the A-level, i.e. language beginners in elementary school. The focus is on active and fun-based learning of the German language. The lovely illustrations are based on the fairy tale films, so there are many points of reference. For different didactic approaches, you can refer to the separate files "Didaktische Hinweise zu...". The Kim games challenge and promote the memory skills of the students and can be used to conclude a thematic sequence. The movement games combine language comprehension with motor movement and can be used as a didactic reserve or to activate the students.
The Goethe-Institut Warsaw wishes you lots of fun and fabulous moments with the materials!

Watch the following videos in which the tale is being read and presented at the same time.
- Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty)
- Rapunzel
- Rotkäppchen (Little red riding hood)
- Froschkönig (Frog king)
- Frau Holle (Mother Holle)
- Hänsel und Gretel
- Schneewittchen (Snow White)    

Here you can also discover an exciting lecture by Dr. Oliver Geister, who holds a doctorate in education. In this interview, he discusses the popularity of Grimm's fairy tales, their usefulness in DaF lessons, and gives impulses on how to maintain the magic of the fairy tale in teaching work.


Part of:

SeriesFairy tales

  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English

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