Closing Event: Omar Al Kassab, Andalus Arabic Choi

Andalus Arabic Choir
© Andalus Arabic Choir

Talk and Choir Performance


To close off our series Goethe-Institut Damascus | In Exile – Popup Sydney we present a Sunday afternoon of music and words:

We’re starting the afternoon with a short animated film called "Twilight" ("Shafaq") by Syrian artist Ola Soqar. The film will be introduced by Syrian-born Alice Kswani who now lives in Sydney.

Next we will present a talk by Syrian speaker Omar Al Kassab who is now based in Melbourne. Omar par­ti­cip­ated in demon­stra­tions for peace, demo­cracy and against corruption in Syria. Whilst study­ing engin­eer­ing at uni­vers­ity, he was arres­ted and tor­tured.

His story includes his human­it­arian work along­side fel­low Scouts, impris­on­ment, the loss of friends and finally, their family’s escape to a new life overseas. In Aus­tralia, Omar and his brother Saad have act­ively recon­nec­ted with Scouts move­ment and resumed his edu­ca­tion. Omar is now study­ing towards a Bach­elor of Busi­ness at RMIT university and giving talks in the community across Australia and Saad recently shot to fame when graduating as a Dux in one of the most prestigious Catholic School in the country and currently studying toward Biomedicine degree at the University of Melbourne.

As the final act of our series we have an exclusive concert by the Sydney-based Andalus Arabic Choir conducted by Ghada Daher-Elmowy. The choir will perform "Oumsiya” which is a set that includes a broad repertoire in various dialects from Andalusia to the Middle-East crossing North-Africa. The Andalus Arabic Choir is a unique group of Arabic and Non-Arabic speaking Australians who share the love of Andalusian and Arabic music and singing.

Entry and seating are free. Capacity is limited and there is no registration process. Please arrive in time to secure a good seat.
Omar and his brother Saad Al Kassab in a TEDx Talk:

Andalus Arabic Choir:



Language: Talk: English / Choir: Arabic
Price: Free Entry

+61 2 8356 8333
Part of series Goethe-Institut Damascus | In Exile – Popup Sydney