Event series
Kassem Eid in Australia

Kassem Eid © Adelaide Writers Week
Kassem Eid © Adelaide Writers Week

The Syrian human right activist comes to Australia for a reading tour

Born as the son of Palestinian refugees, Kassem Eid grew up on the outskirts of Damascus. He showed great talent for languages in his childhood. In 2013, Kassem almost died in a Sarin gas attack that killed hundreds of civilians. Later that day, he picked up a weapon for the first time to join the free Syrian army and fight the government troops. For Kassem, this was the moment when he and his country changed forever.  Later Eid fled to the USA and Germany, where he now lives as a human rights activist and author.

Kassem Eid wrote down his memories in 2018 in the book My Country. A Syrian Memoir. He reports about oppression, war, survival and flight. Kassem Eid will come to Australia in 2019 to talk about his experiences, supported by the Goethe-Institut.