"Mwaga, a Bird at the End of the World" goes to Berlin

Jutta Malnic Mwaga, A Bird at the End of the World
© Jutta Malnic

Photo Exhibition by Sydney Photographer Jutta Malnic

Australian Embassy Berlin

The beautiful photo series Mwaga, A Bird at the End of the World was first shown at the Goethe-Institut in Sydney in November 2017, then at the Burrinja Cultural Centre near Melbourne in May 2018, followed by the Goethe-Institut in New Zealand, and now it comes to the Australian Embassy in Berlin!

The Sydney-based photographer Jutta Malnic is now in her mid-nineties. Over her lifetime she has accumulated a vast collection of photographies. Born in Berlin to a German father and Australian mother, she moved to Australia in 1948, so it is especially poignant that her work now comes to Berlin.

In Sydney she worked as an on-board photographer on a shipping line, going on 72 cruises around the Pacific islands between 1950 and 1969. The series Mwaga, A Bird at the End of the World is themed around a local bird species called Mwaga. Ancient Polynesian seafarers used these birds’ behaviour and movements as a navigation tool.

The exhibition tells a moving tale of the close relationship between humans and animals as they live together in a near-synergetic relationship. 

The exhibition can be visited during opening hours of the Embassy (Mon-Fri- 8:30am-7pm) without admission.

Opening: 03.12.2019 at 6pm.
Free entry with registration: rsvp-berlin@dfat.com


Australian Embassy Berlin

Wallstr. 76-79
Berlin 10179

Language: English
Price: Free Entry

Note: Security protocols may apply at the Australian Embassy