Film Fassbinder Special: Sydney

The Marriage of Maria Braun Courtesy of Sydney Film Festival

Sat, 16.06.2018

2:15 PM

Dendy Opera Quays Cinema 2

Film screening: The Marriage of Maria Braun

As part of the Sydney Film Festival, Juliane Lorenz introduces “The Marriage of Maria Braun”.

Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s master piece tells a story during the years of German reconstruction after the second world war. The film is about Maria Braun, acted by Hanna Schygulla, and draws a picture of post-war Germany until the economic miracle.

In 1943, during the war, Hermann and Maria Braun get married. After only one night, Hermann has to return to the frontline. Maria is waiting for him. After the end of the war, Hermann is missing. Maria learns from a friend that Hermann is dead. She starts to work at an American bar and begins an affair with an African-American soldier. However, one day, Hermann knocks on the door. In the heat of the moment, Maria kills her lover; Hermann goes to jail for her. While he is in prison, Maria wants to participate in the economic miracle and tries to build up a new existence for Hermann and herself.

Fassbinder’s film classic is about identity and experiences in post-war Germany. 

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